The Library of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), according to the Library Law no. 334/2002, is a university library, an integral part of the national education system and participates in the process of training and education, as well as in the scientific research activity of the institution. In this capacity, the ASE Library provides the documentary and information base necessary for the educational process for all categories of users.
The ASE Library develops, collects, organizes, processes, preserves and communicates specialized collections of scientific publications, from the country and abroad, on all categories of documentary supports, in accordance with the educational and research programs of the University.
The ASE library provides information to users through electronic or traditional catalogs, electronic scientific resources, data platforms, bibliographies, directories and bibliographic bulletins, web links to other sources of information etc.
ASE Library ensures the capitalization and communication of collections, specialized resources, facilitates diversified and fast access to all categories of information sources, organizes and develops appropriate services for users.